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2 Translation results for push in Spanish

verb | noun

push verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pushed, has pushed, is pushing, pushes
empujar; insistir, presionar; apretar, pulsar

Example sentences of
push verb

  • Do you want to push the shopping cart?
  • He slowly pushed the door open.
  • She pushed back her chair and stood up.
  • She pushed him aside and marched into the boss's office.
  • He pushed her out of the way.
  • He pushed me into the table.
  • He was pushed off the sidewalk into the street.
  • She pushed her wet hair back from her face.
  • The bulldozer pushed the rubble over the edge of the pit.
  • No matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't move the boulder.

Detailed synonyms for push verb

Push, shove, thrust, propel, drive significan hacer mover una cosa hacia adelante o hacia un lado como resultado de la aplicación de fuerza.
  • Push indica la aplicación de fuerza por parte de un cuerpo ya en contacto con el cuerpo a moverse <pushed the door open>.
    antonyms: pull
  • Shove indica un empuje que es fuerte, y a menudo rápido, súbito o brusco, y que obliga una cosa a moverse hacia adelante o hacia un lado <shoved the man out of my way>.
  • Thrust connota menos continuidad y más violencia que push, e indica la aplicación de un solo movimiento o de una acción abrupta <she thrust the money into my hand and ran away>.
  • Propel connota el impulsar rápidamente hacia adelante por medio de una fuerza o poder que imparte movimiento <ships propelled by steam>.
  • Drive connota el mover personas o animales de o hacia un lugar por la fuerza <cowboys driving herds across the plains>, o empujar a algo dentro de otra cosa con fuerza <drove a nail into the wall>.

push noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
empujón; empuje, energía, dinamismo; esfuerzo

Example sentences of
push noun

  • an unprecedented push to pass stronger gun control measures

Synonyms of
push noun

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Phrasal verbs for push

Related phrases for push

Reverse translation for push

empujar  - to push, to push, to shove, to spur on, to press 
insistir  - to insist 
presionar  - to pressure, to put on the pressure, to press, to push 
apretar  - to press, to push, to press, to push (a button), to tighten, to fit tightly, to be too tight, to squeeze 
pulsar  - to beat, to throb, to press, to push, to strike (a key), to assess 
empujón  - push, shove 
empuje  - impetus, drive 
energía  - energy, (informal) vibe 
dinamismo  - energy, vigor 
esfuerzo  - effort, spirit, vigor